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Sandwich Visionaries: March Break Activities

Location: Common Ground Gallery, 3177 Sandwich Street

Date & Hours: Monday to Saturday, 1-5PM everyday

This program is open to youth, teens and families from Sandwich Town and Windsor West.

Free lunch will be served 12-1PM everyday. 

March Break Art Camp at Common Grounds


Monday, March 10  w/ Marc N : Sandwichtown 2075 

What will Sandwichtown look like in 50 years? Join us as we answer this question through the lens of radical optimism.

SandwichTown 2075

Tuesday, March 11 w/ Nolan Arthur –Future Selves Greenscreen workshop

What does the future hold for you? Fire up your imagination about your future self with Nolan Arthur.
Future Selves Greenscreen with Nolan Arthur

Wednesday, March 12 w/ Bilal Nassar – Digital Sounds

Local musician Bilal Nassar will lead the group in creating a soundtrack for our stop motion animation project.
Digital Sounds with Bilal Nassar

Thursday, March 14 w/ Marc N – Cardboard Constructions

Create 3d objects using a variety of cardboard construction techniques.
Cardboard Constructions

Friday, March 14 w/ Talysha Bujold Abu – Investigative Drawing

Join us for a hands-on drawing workshop designed to spark curiosity and deepen your observational skills.
Workshop Details

March 15 w/ Kamryn Cusamano – Photography Primer

Learn the basics of digital photography with professional photographer, Kamryn Cusamano.

Photography Primer

Sandwich Visionaries: March Break Activities

Workshop Details

Meet the Facilitator: Marc Ngui

Marc Ngui is a Sandwich based multi-disciplinary artist/designer/world builder. He was trained as an architect before venturing into the world of DIY comics, zines and self-publishing.

As a cartoonist, diagrammatician and illustrator, he has published two graphic novels and contributed to many non-fiction book projects (some of which have won awards.) His professional creative practice spans many disciplines, including illustration (for newspapers, magazines and websites), storyboarding, animation, web design, and film and video production (including scenic painting, video editing and art direction).

He has worked as a video journalist for the CBC and a comics journalist for the Toronto Star. His painting, drawing and installation work as a contemporary artist has been exhibited across Canada and internationally.  His current practice aspires to help direct our collective creative potential towards generating a more equitable and Gaia friendly future.

Art for the Next Generation.

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