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Northern Narratives: Cape Dorset Prints

October 19, 2019 - January 26, 2020

AWE Gallery

Kananginak Pootoogook, Nasiqniatuq, 1978, colour stonecut and stencil on paper, 24/50, 62.0 cm x 46.0 cm, Gift of the Director's Fund, 1978

This exhibition includes print images from 17 Inuit artists published by
the Kinngait Studios Cape Dorset during the late 1950s and into the
1970s. This project focusses on stories of traditional Inuit life exploring
themes of hunting, travel, wildlife and the spiritual power of Canada’s

In this exhibit

Kananginak Pootoogook, Nasiqniatuq, 1978, colour stonecut and stencil on paper, 24/50, 62.0 cm x 46.0 cm, Gift of the Director's Fund, 1978

Kananginak Pootoogook, Inintuq, 1978, colour stonecut and stencil on paper, 24/50, 74.0 cm x 62.0 cm, Gift of the Director's Fund, 1978

Jamasie Teevee, Ahigiit (Ptarmigans), 1977, lithograph on paper, 31/50, 66.0 cm x 51.0 cm, Gift of the Director's Fund, 1978

Paulassie Pootoogook, Talluliyuk Sea Goddess, 1960, stonecut on paper, 38/50, 48.0 cm x 31.0 cm, Bequest of Pearce L.S. Lettner, 1977

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