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Spleenhouse: Marcel O’Gorman

June 24, 2006 - September 10, 2006

AWE Gallery

Marcel O’Gorman describes his first major exhibition, Spleenhouse, as a video installation and a “spatial nemesis project.” The work is partially process-based, involving the removal of a greenhouse from his family’s longstanding French farmstead in LaSalle, and re-installing it within the Gallery. O’Gorman refers to this action as symbolic uprooting, “a sort of architectural revent… in which the greenhouse, squeezed off its rural land by urban flight, re-establishes itself in the city responsible for its demise.”

While inhabiting the gallery space, the Spleenhouse will maintain its original purpose of fostering young vegetable plants. It will aos assume added social and artistic dimensions, as digital video proects aimed onto the plastic covering of the structure provide part of the environment used to grow the plants. The projections consis of interviews O’Gorman has conducted since 2001 with the few remaining French farmers from LaSalle.

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