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Waawiiatanong Forever

March 21, 2024 - September 22, 2024

Second Floor

Welcome to Waawiiatanong Forever, a photography and postcard project that celebrates the representation of women and two-spirit folks and their families within our vibrant community. Through this project, we aim to showcase the rich diversity of Indigeneity represented. We invited community members to present themselves as they wanted to be represented alongside the street signs of Windsor that bear their nation’s name or locations that are significant to the community.

Waawiiatanong Forever weaves the threads of history, culture, and personal identity. Listen to the voices, stories, and get to know the Indigenous presence on this land forever celebrated.

This is truly an Indigenous led collaborative project years in the making and AWE thanks all involved.

Miigwech gii-bi-gkendaman Waawii’atanong Gaagnig Pane, mzinaakzigewin miinwaa boosjigewin ednakmigak ji-mnaa’ang ezhi-gkendaagziwaad kwewag miinwaa niizho-mnidoowiwag miinwaa dinwemaaganan maa endzhi-dniziying. Maa endzhi-dnakmigak, nii-waabnda’aanaanaig ezhi-bkaanziwaad Anishinaabeg. Ngii-kwejmaanaanig ednizijig ji-waabnda’nangwaa ezhi-nendiziwaad, enjibaawaad, ezhinkaadeg enjibaawaad, wodi miikan-kinwaabnjiganing Windsor’ing. Waaii’atanong Gaagnig Pane paazhaamigad gaa-zhiwebak, enaadziwaad, miinwaa ezhi-nendizawaad. Bzindan enaan’gidoong, dbaajmang, miinwaa ga-gkendaan ezhi-bmaadziwaad Anishinaabeg maa kiing pane mnaajtoong.

Gegeti gwa maanda eniigaanziwaad Anishinaabeg gaa-gchi-naanaagdawendamowaad ji-dnakmigak. Miigwech kina gaa-naadmaagewaad.


Bienvenue à Waawiiatanong Forever, un projet photographique qui célèbre la représentation des femmes et des personnes bisprituelles, ainsi que leurs familles. Ce projet vise à mettre en valeur la riche diversité de l’autochtonie de notre région. Des membres de diverses nations ont été invités à se présenter tels qu’iels sont devant les noms de rue portant le nom de leur nation ou dans un lieu symbolique pour leur communauté.  

En forme de photos et de cartes postales, Waawiiatanong Forever tisse des liens entre l’histoire, la culture et l’identité. Écoutez leurs voix et leurs histoires afin de célébrer à jamais la présence de l’autochtonie. 

Il s’agit véritablement d’un projet collaboratif dirigé par la communauté autochtone et AWE remercie ceux et celles impliqués. 

Curated by Julie Rae Tucker & Jace Pillon, organized by Shane Lyon

Photography: Shayenna Nolan

Project Coordinator: Shane Lyon

Artistic Direction: Shayenna Nolan, Shane Lyon, Julie Rae Tucker

Project support: Michelle Nahdee, Donna Lefler-Grayer, Kat Pasquach, Marcie Demmans, Sophie Hinch

Image: Tayshawn, Munsee St. @ Kildare Ave

The Fund for Gender Equality is supported by a collaboration between Community Foundations of Canada and the Equality Fund, with support from the Government of Canada.

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