Art Windsor-Essex respectfully acknowledges that we are located on Anishinaabe Territory – the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, comprised of the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi. Today the Anishinaabe of the Three Fires Confederacy are represented by Bkejwanong. We want to state our respect for the ancestral and ongoing authority of Walpole Island First Nation over its Territory.
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Explore close to 4,000 works of art from some of Canada’s most exciting artists. Collecting since 1943, Art Windsor-Essex continues to evolve and share it’s collection – inspiring challenging conversations with every exhibition.
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Public art collections are important for the preservation of cultural heritage, education, community engagement, inspiration, access to culture, and as tool for building social cohesion.
Art is a powerful tool to spark conversations, and gather people around ideas. Artworks often reflect the time, place, and social conditions of where they were made, making them a part of how we can understand the world around us. Artworks can give us insight into perspectives that are different than our own, and opportunities to imagine new worlds.
Although AWE is the legal owner holding title to the work, the AWE Collection was built to serve as a public trust for you. Like a national park or any other heritage site, the Collection belongs to the community. AWE’s role as a charitable organization is to hold the Collection in trust for all Canadians. It is part of Canada’s cultural heritage to be enjoyed and celebrated for generations to come.
Artworks are stored in special vaults that meet international museum standards to control light, humidity, temperature and security. Each artwork also has a number and a detailed record of its history. Also, each year AWE lends artworks to many other professional public art galleries and art museums in Canada and around the world.
AWE is pleased to offer art conservation services, and collections consultations. Please contact us for more information.
We also recommend you visit the website of the Canadian Conservation Institute.
If you are looking to find the value of an artwork you own, please note that AWE cannot provide appraisal services or endorse any one art appraiser business over another. We recommend you visit the website of the Canadian Chapter of the International Society of Appraisers.
Search The Collection
By Artist Last Name
- Abrams, John
- Abu Zaineh, Jude
- Aculiak, Joe Adlaka
- Adams, Kim
- Ahrens, Carl
- Akpaliapik, Manasie
- Alariaq, Adamie
- Albers, Josef
- Alfsen, John
- Allen, Ralph
- Alleyn, Edmund
- Allgoewer, Fritz
- Allis, Harry
- Almeida, Henry
- Amantea, Gisele
- Anauta, Peter Ussuqi
- Anderson, John
- Andrews, Kim
- Andrews, Stephen
- Anghik, Abraham
- Angiju, Peter Nauja
- Anguhadluq, Luke
- Annaqtuusi Tulurialik, Ruth
- Ant Farm,
- Apostoll, Eve
- Appel, Karel
- Aqigaaq, Mathew
- Archambault, Louis
- Armington, Caroline
- Armington, Frank
- Armstrong, Geoffrey
- Armstrong, William
- Arnakak, Pauloosie
- Arnasungaaq, Barnabus
- Arp, Jean
- Ashevak, Johnniebo
- Ashevak, Karoo
- Ashevak, Kenojuak
- Ashoona, Kaka
- Ashoona, Pitseolak
- Askevold, David
- Astman, Barbara
- Atkins, Caven
- Atkinson, W.E.
- Aykroyd, Woodruff
- Azad, Sohail
- Bachinski, Walter
- Baigent, Richard
- Baker, Keith
- Barbeau, Marcel
- Bariteau, Nadine
- Barker, Thomas
- Barnabas, Bob
- Barndt, Deborah
- Bartlett, William Henry
- Baskin, Leonard
- Bateman, Peter and William
- Bates, Maxwell
- Bayefsky, Aba
- Beale, Jack
- Beam, Carl
- Beatty, J.W.
- Beaudin, Denise
- Beet, G.D. (Cornelius?)
- Behnan, Michael
- Belanger, Sylvie
- Beliveau, Paul
- Bell, Alistair
- Bell-Smith, F.M.
- Bellefleur, Léon
- Belmore, Rebecca
- Ben-David, Zadok
- Benazon, Ophra
- Benner, Ron
- Benner, Tom
- Bentham, Douglas
- Beny, W. Roloff
- Bergman, H. Eric
- Berman, Michaele
- Bernyk, Dan
- Bice, Clare
- Bice, Eugene
- Bidner, Michael
- Bieler, André
- Bieler, Ted
- Bierk, David
- Bikkers, Rudolf
- Bilal, Wafaa
- Billet, Pierre
- Birrell, Ebenezer
- Blackwood, David
- Blain, Dominique
- Blatchly, W.D.
- Bloore, Ronald
- Bobak, Bruno
- Bobak, Molly Lamb
- Bochner, Mel
- Boehm, Edward Marshall
- Bolduc, David
- Bolley, Andrea
- Bolotowsky, Ilya
- Bolt, Ron
- Bond, Eleanor
- Boose, Helen
- Borduas, Paul-Émile
- Bouchette, Joseph
- Bowles, Rowell
- Bowyer, Peter
- Boxer, Stanley
- Boyd, James
- Boyer, Bob
- Bradley, Randall
- Brainerd, Charlotte
- Braithwaite, William
- Brandtner, Fritz
- Brener, Roland
- Breukelman, James
- Breverman, Harvey
- Briansky, Rita
- Brigden, F.H.
- Brooker, Bertram
- Brooks, Allan
- Brooks, Leonard
- Brose, Morris
- Brown, Brian
- Brown, J. David
- Brown, John
- Brownell, Franklin
- Brueghel, Abraham
- Brunst, Stanley
- Bruskin, Grisha
- Bryant, Marian
- Brymner, William
- Buchan, David
- Buckley, Edna
- Buda, Janos
- Buller, Cecil
- Burchnall, Christine
- Burnett, Brian
- Burrows, Tom
- Burton, Dennis
- Burtynsky, Edward
- Buset, Elizabeth
- Bush, Jack
- COZIC (Yvon Cozic),
- Cahen, Oscar
- Caiserman-Roth, Ghitta
- Calder, Alexander
- Cameron, Alex
- Cameron, Bob
- Candler, James
- Cardiff, Janet
- Carmichael, Franklin
- Caro, Anthony
- Carr, Emily
- Carrington, Charles
- Casson (attributed), A.J.
- Casson, A.J.
- Cave, Jim
- Celestino, Magdalen
- Celestino, Mary
- Chadwick, Lynn
- Challener, Frederick
- Chance-BAXTER&, Louise
- Chase, Louisa
- Chavignaud, George
- Chin, Yen
- Chitty, Elizabeth
- Christie, Robert
- Cicansky, Victor
- Ciccimarra, Richard
- Cittadini, Raimondo
- Claerbout, David
- Clapp, William
- Clark, Paraskeva
- Clave, Antoni
- Clay, Allyson
- Cloutier, Albert
- Coburn, Frederick
- Cockburn, James Pattison
- Cohen, Lynne
- Cohn, Norman
- Collier, Alan
- Collins, John
- Collyer, Robin
- Colville, Alex
- Comfort, Charles
- Comtois, Ulysse
- Conarroe, Scott
- Conde, Carole
- Conner, Lois
- Coombs, Grace
- Cooper, Thomas Sidney
- Corneille, Guillaume
- Corot, Camille
- Cosgrove, Stanley
- Coughtry, Graham
- Cox, Elford Bradley
- Craig, David
- Cran, Chris
- Craven, David
- Cresswell, William Nicoll
- Cuevas, José Luis
- Cullen, Maurice
- Cumming, Donigan
- Curnoe, Greg
- Dagys, Jacob
- Dallaire, Jean
- Daly, Kathleen
- Danby, Ken
- Daugherty, James
- Davey, Michael
- Davis, Rae
- Dawson, Russell
- DeLauro, Joseph Nicola
- Dean, Tom
- Deichmann, Erica
- Deichmann, Kjeld
- Deimel, Joseph
- Del Col, Elio
- Delva, Thierry
- Depew, Verna Viola
- Des Clayes, Berthe
- Devine, Bonnie
- Devore, George
- Diamond, Sara
- Dignan, Paul
- Dingler, Daniel
- Dmytruk, Ihor
- Dobereiner, John
- Dobson, Susan
- Dobush, Peter
- Doctor, Antonio
- Donoghue, Lynn
- Douglas, Stan
- Doyle, Helen
- Drapell, Joseph
- Drenters, Yosef
- Drouin, Gary
- Dubuffet, Jean
- Duck, Adèle
- Duckworth, Mary
- Dufy, Raoul
- Dumouchel, Albert
- Duncan, Douglas
- Dyck, Aganetha
- Dynes, Joseph
- Dzama, Marcel
- de Lall, Oscar
- de Niverville, Louis
- de Tonnancour, Jacques
- Fafard, Joe
- Faiers, Edward Spencer
- Fairley, Barker
- Falardeau, Pierre
- Fanais, George
- Fauteux, André
- Fauteux-Massé, Henriette
- Favro, Murray
- Featherston, Bill
- Feindel, Sue
- Feist, Harold
- Ferraro, Robert
- Ferron, Marcelle
- Field, Robert
- Filarski, Maria
- Fines, Anne
- Finn, Christopher
- Fisher, Brian
- Fisher, Orville
- Fisher, Sir George Bulteel
- FitzGerald, Lionel
- Flack, Robert
- Fleming, Martha
- Forrestall, Tom
- Forster, Michael
- Forsyth, Mina
- Fortin, Marc-Aurele
- Fortin, Robbert
- Fournier, Paul
- Fowler, Daniel
- Fox, John Richard
- Franck, Albert
- Fraser, Edward
- Fraser, John Arthur
- Freifeld, Eric
- Freiman, Lillian
- Frenkel, Vera
- Friedlaender, Johnny
- Frlan, Anna
- Fuller, Robert
- Gage, Frances
- Gage, Frances Marie
- Gagen, Robert
- Gagnon, Aristide
- Gagnon, Clarence
- Garnet, Eldon
- Garthwaite, Ernest
- Gaucher, Yves
- Gauvreau, Pierre
- Gebhardt, C. Keith
- Geleynse, Wyn
- General Idea,
- Gersovitz, Sarah
- Gervais, Lise
- Gervais, Marty
- Gies, Joseph W.
- Giffin, Aimee
- Giii, Ron
- Giroux, Christian
- Gladstone, Gerald
- Glaz, Kasimir
- Glyde, H.G.
- Gnass, Peter
- Gnosill, Albert E.
- Godfrey, W.F.G.
- Godwin, Ted
- Gold, Susan
- Goldberg, Eric
- Goldchain, Rafael
- Goldhamer, Charles
- Goldsmith, Sidney
- Goldstein, Sybil
- Golub, Leon
- Gomes, Mark
- Goodwin, Betty
- Gordon, Hortense
- Gordon, John Sloan
- Gorman, Richard
- Gould, John
- Goulette, Michele
- Graham, Kathleen
- Graham, Rodney
- Graston, Michael
- Grauerholz, Angela
- Gravel, Raymonde
- Greene, Thomas G.
- Gregor, Helen
- Gregory, Scott
- Grier, Sir Edmund Wyly
- Griffin, George Henry
- Griffith, Julius
- Griffiths, James
- Grimonprez, Johan
- Groombridge, Brian
- Gross, Rainer
- Grove, Jan
- Gustin, Frank
- Hagarty, Clara S.
- Hahn, Sylvia
- Haines, Frederick Stanley
- Hakuluk, Philip
- Hall, Annie
- Hall, Michael
- Hamilton, Richard
- Hammond, John
- Hannah, Adad
- Hansell, Betsey
- Hanson, Duane
- Harding, Noel
- Hardy, Greg
- Harris, Lawren
- Harris, Peter
- Harris, Robert
- Hartman, John
- Haspel-Seguin, Tutzi
- Hass, John
- Hassan, Jamelie
- Hauser, Conrad
- Haworth, Bobs Cogill
- Haworth, Peter
- Hayeur, Isabelle
- Hebert, Adrien
- Hedrick, Robert
- Heimlich, Herman
- Held, Al
- Hendershot, Rae
- Hendricks, Geoffrey
- Heriot, George
- Herman, Jack
- Heslin, Colleen
- Heward, John
- Heward, Prudence
- Hind, William George Richardson
- Hiroshige, Utagawa
- Hodgkinson, Edward A.
- Hodgson, Tom
- Hoffman, Philip
- Hokkei, Toyota
- Hokushu, Shunkosai
- Holdstock, A.W.
- Holgate, Edwin
- Hone, McGregor
- Hood, Carl
- Hopkins, Tom
- Hornyansky, Nicholas
- Houle, Robert
- Housser, Yvonne McKague
- Houston, James A.
- Houstoun, Donald Mackay
- Hovadik, Jaroslav
- Howard, Barbara
- Howard, Sidney
- Howorth, E.J.
- Huber, Josef
- Hughes, E.J.
- Hull, Mae
- Humen, Gerald
- Humphrey, Jack
- Hunt, Richard
- Hurlbut, Spring
- Hutchinson, Leonard
- Hutner, Paul
- Hyde, Laurence
- Hébert, Henri
- IT,
- Iden, Sheldon
- Ikkidluak, Lucassie
- Ikutaaq, David
- In The Black Canada, (Nina Aning, Sonia Godding Togobo and Donna Paris)
- Indiana, Robert
- Inuit GM Images,
- Irland, Basia
- Irqumia, Juanisialu
- Iskowitz, Gershon
- Itukala, Juanisi Jakusi (Joanassie Jack)
- Itukalla, Aisa Aviliaju
- Itukalla, Juanisi Jakusi
- Itulu, Eva
- Jackson, A.Y.
- Jackson, Fred W.
- Jacobi, Otto R.
- Jacobs, Katja
- James, Geoffrey
- Janes, Phyllis
- Janick, James
- Janouchova-Janick, Eva
- Janvier, Alex
- Janzen, Ed
- Jarvis, Kenneth
- Jayce, Salloum
- Jean-Louis, Don
- Jefferys, C.W.
- Jenkins, Paul
- Jobin, Louis
- Johnson, Rae
- Johnston, Frances-Anne
- Johnston, Frank
- Johnston, Marjorie D.
- Jones, Barrie
- Jopling, F.W.
- Jorgensen, Flemming
- Josephie, Eeyevadluk
- Joslyne P.,
- Julien, Henri
- Jungen, Brian
- Kagan, Vela
- Kahane, Anne
- Kakinuma, Thomas
- Kallak, Markosi
- Karlik, Mary
- Karsh, Yousuf
- Katz, Alex
- Katz, Reena
- Keele, Paul B.
- Kelly, Ellsworth
- Kelly, Patrick
- Kennedy, Garry Neill
- Kenojuak, Ashevak
- Kern, Margareta
- Kerr, Illingworth
- Kerr-Lawson, James
- Keziere, Robert
- Kiakshuk,
- Kibbins, Gary
- Kidlasik, Ani
- Kigusiuq, Hannah Kigusiak
- Kigusiuq, Janet
- Kilbourn, Rosemary
- King, Clement
- King, Yeend
- Kipping, Brian
- Kissick, John
- Kiyooka, Roy
- Klapstock, Lisa
- Klunder, Harold
- Kneller, Sir Godfrey
- Knowles, Dorothy
- Knowles, Elizabeth A. McGillivray
- Knowles, F. McGillivray
- Knox, David
- Kolola, Mosesie
- Kolola, Ningiugapik
- Kooneeloosie,
- Koop, Wanda
- Korner, John
- Kostyniuk, Ron
- Kozlow, Richard
- Kramolc, Ted
- Krieghoff, Cornelius
- Krizan, Sam
- Kruschenick, Nicholas
- Ku, Fu-Sheng
- Kukiiyuat, Myra
- Kunihiro, Amano
- Kuniliusee, Peepeelee
- Kunisada,
- Kunitomi, Utagawa
- Kuniyasu, Utagawa
- Kuniyoshi, Ichiyasai
- Kunuk, Zacharias
- Kurelek, William
- L'Hirondelle, Cheryl
- Lacroix, Richard
- Ladocha, Jiri
- Lahey, James
- Lake, Suzy
- Laliberté, Alfred
- Laliberté, Mark
- Lamouroux, Jean
- Landsley, Patrick
- Lapointe, Lyne
- Laurencin, Marie
- Laurens, Henri
- Lavier, Bertrand
- Law, C. Anthony
- Law, William C.
- Lawrence, Margaret
- Leal, Paulo Roberto
- Leathers, Winston
- Lebredt, Gordon
- Leduc, Ozias
- Lee, Min Sook
- Leech, Hilton
- Lely, Sir Peter
- Lemieux, Jean-Paul
- Leprin, Marcel
- Letendre, Rita
- Levasseur, Pierre-Noël
- Levine, Les
- Lewis, Glenn
- Lewis, Stanley
- Lewis, Wyndham
- Lexier, Micah
- Lindner, Ernest
- Ling, Elaine
- Lismer, Arthur
- Lister, Ardele
- Livick, Stephen
- Lobchuk, Bill
- Lochhead, Kenneth
- Loring, Frances
- Louch, Anne
- Louchner, James
- Lukacs, Attila Richard
- Luke, Alexandra
- Lurch, Charmaine
- Lyman, John
- Lynekie,
- Mabb, David
- MacCarthy, Hamilton
- MacDonald, Grant
- MacDonald, James
- MacDonald, Manly
- MacDonald, Mike
- MacDonald, T.R.
- MacDonald, Thoreau
- MacDowall, Cyndra
- MacKay, Allan Harding
- MacKay, Don
- MacLaughlin, Donald Shaw
- MacLeod, Pegi Nicol
- MacNamara, Gordon
- Macdonald, Jock
- Machyderm Inc.,
- Mackenzie, Robin
- Mackinnon-Pearson, I.
- Magor, Liz
- Mahon, Patrick
- Maka, Jahan
- Maltais, Marcelle
- Mamnguqsualuk, Victoria
- Mangitak, Kellypalik Mungituk
- Maniapik, Towkie
- Manly, Charles
- Manno, Sakiasie
- Manzu, Giacomo
- Marchand, Andrée
- Marie, Dyan
- Markgraf, Waltraud
- Markle, Robert
- Mars, Tanya
- Martin, E. May
- Martin, John
- Martin, Ron
- Martin, T. Mower
- Marzollo, Claudio
- Masson, Henri
- Matthews, Marmaduke
- Matthews, Michael
- McCarthy, Doris
- McEwen, Jean
- McGee, Charles
- McGillivray, Florence H.
- McKay, Arthur
- McLaughlin, Isabel
- McNamara, Chris
- McWilliams, Al
- Mead, Ray
- Meanwell, Charles
- Meanwell, Jack
- Meikar, Arendt
- Melchers, Gari
- Melvin, Grace
- Mercer, Col. Alexander Cavalie
- Meredith, John
- Merritt, David
- Metcalfe, Eric
- Metson, Graham
- Midener, Walter
- Miezajs, Dainis
- Mihalcean, Gilles
- Mihalcheon, George
- Milito, Jan
- Miller, George
- Milne, David
- Milthorp, Robert
- Miro, Joan
- Mitchell, Janet
- Molinari, Guido
- Momper, Joos de
- Mongeau, Jean-Guy
- Mongrain, Claude
- Monticelli, Adolphe
- Montpetit, Guy
- Moodie, Kim
- Moores, Zeke
- Morey, Charles
- Morey, Robin
- Morland, Henry
- Morrice, J.W.
- Morris, Michael
- Morris, Regan
- Morrison, Dax
- Morrisseau, Norval
- Mortenbock, Peter
- Morton, Sylvia
- Moses, Cherie
- Mosna, Tony
- Mount, Rita
- Mousseau, Jean-Paul
- Mowbray, Edward
- Muhlstock, Louis
- Mulaire, Bernard
- Mulcaster, Wynona
- Murray, Ian
- N.E. Thing Co.,
- Nakamura, Kazuo
- Nasmyth, Alexander
- Natanine, Mosesee
- Natkin, Robert
- Neumann, Ernst
- Newcombe, W.J.B.
- Newton, Lilias Torrance
- Nichols, Jack
- Nicol, Nancy
- Nicoll, Marion
- Ningeeuga,
- Niro, Shelley
- Niviaksiak,
- Noah, William
- Noestheden, John
- Nolte, Gunter
- Noovoolingnak, Isarah
- Norvid, Adrian
- Nutt, Ken
- Pachter, Charles
- Palmer, Herbert
- Paningajak, Tivi
- Panton, L.A.C.
- Parent, Dr. Charles E.
- Parr,
- Parton, Ernest
- Partridge, David
- Partridge, John Bernard
- Pasmore, Victor
- Paterson, Andrew J.
- Paterson, Robert
- Patterson, Kay
- Paulus, Francis Petrus
- Pawson, Ruth May
- Pazukaite, Vanda
- Peacock, Jan
- Pearson, Charles Gordon
- Pelkey, Brenda
- Pellan, Alfred
- Pendleton, Syl
- Penny, Evan
- Pepper, George
- Perehudoff, William
- Peter, Eyeetsiak
- Peter, G.
- Peterson, Warren
- Pewabic Pottery Studio,
- Pfeifer, Bodo
- Phillips, Don
- Phillips, Walter J.
- Picasso, Pablo
- Pien, Ed
- Pietropaolo, Vincenzo
- Pilot, Robert
- Piqtoukun, David Ruben
- Plamondon, Antoine
- Plaskett, Joseph
- Platt, Liss
- Plotek, Leopold
- Podvin, Robert J.
- Poitras, Jane Ash
- Polataiko, Taras
- Poldaas, Jaan
- Poncet, Antoine
- Pootoogook,
- Pootoogook, Kananginak
- Pootoogook, Napachie
- Pootoogook, Paulassie
- Porter, Edward
- Porter, Fairfield
- Pottle, Barry
- Poulin, Julien
- Poulin, Roland
- Prevost, Antoine
- Priest, Margaret
- Proch, Don
- Pudlat, Oshutsiak
- Pudlat, Pudlo
- Pufahl, John
- Rabinowitch, David
- Rackus, George
- Ragee, Egevadluq
- Ramos, Mel
- Ratcliff, Tammy
- Rauschenberg, Robert
- Rayner, Gordon
- Readman, Sylvie
- Reaume, Dan
- Rechenberg, Dieter
- Redfern, Charles
- Redinger, Walter
- Regenbogen, Thomas
- Reiback, Earl
- Reichert, Don
- Reid, George
- Reid, Mary Hiester
- Reinblatt, Moe
- Reinhardt, Ad
- Reitzenstein, Reinhard
- Reynolds, Catherine
- Riopelle, Jean-Paul
- Ritchie, James
- Roach, Thomas
- Roberts, Goodridge
- Robertson, Sarah
- Robinson, Albert
- Rock, Geoffrey
- Rogers, Otto
- Rolston, Charles
- Romney, George
- Ronald, William
- Rorai, Gina
- Rosaire, Arthur-Dominique
- Rosenberg, Henry
- Rosler, Martha
- Ross, Robert
- Rossi, Armand
- Rothfels, Joanne
- Rousseau-Vermette, Mariette
- Roussil, Robert
- Rudkin, Robert
- Russell, G. Horne
- Ruwedel, Mark
- Rynard, Susan
- Sadigh, Mike K.
- Sadowska, Krystyna
- Sager, Peter
- Saggiaktok, Kakulu
- Saila, Pauta
- Saito, Kiyoshi
- Salloum, Jayce
- Saltmarche, Kenneth
- Samualie, Eliyakota
- Samualie, Keeleemeeoommee
- Sanders, Gerard
- Santvoort, Dirck Dircksz van
- Sarkisian, Sarkis
- Sasaki, Tomiyo
- Saunders, Joyan
- Savage, Anne
- Savoie, Robert
- Sawai, Noboru
- Sawyer, William
- Saxe, Henry
- Schaefer, Carl
- Schelle, Susan
- Scherman, Tony
- Schmidt, Alfred
- Schreiber, Charlotte
- Schwarz, Judith
- Schyrgens, Jacques
- Scott, Brian
- Scott, John
- Scott, Marian
- Seath, Ethel
- Secunda, Arthur
- Seguin, Marc
- Sepeshy, Zoltan
- Shaa, Aqjangajuk
- Shadbolt, Jack
- Shapiro, David
- Shaqu, Mannumi
- Shearer, J. Brodie
- Shelton, Margaret
- Sheouak,
- Shilling, Arthur
- Shoniker, Claire
- Shore, Henrietta
- Short, Cynthia
- Shuebrook, Ron
- Silverberg, David
- Simons, Lucie
- Sinclair, Robert
- Singier, Gustave
- Sivuarapi, Isah Qumalu
- Sivuarapik, Charlie
- Slavik, Andrea
- Slipper, Gary
- Smallboy, Quinn
- Smith, Anne
- Smith, David W.
- Smith, Dennis K.
- Smith, Gordon
- Smith, Levi Alasua Pirti
- Snow, Michael
- Solloum, Jayce
- Soyer, Raphael
- Spickett, Ronald
- Springer, Kara
- Stanley, John Mix
- Steinman, Barbara
- Stella, Frank
- Stevens, Dorothy
- Stidworthy, William F.
- Streicher, Max
- Strickland, Rod
- Strong, H.A.
- Sullivan, Louis
- Surrey, Philip
- Suzor-Coté, Marc-Aurèle de Foy
- Szilva, Joseph
- Talirunili, Joe
- Tamasauskas, Otis
- Tamayo, Rufino
- Tanabe, Takao
- Tascona, Tony
- Taylor, David
- Taylor, Frederick B.
- Teevee, Jamasie
- Teitelbaum, Mashel
- Thauberger, David
- Thomas, Claudius
- Thomas, Roy
- Thompson, Christy
- Thomson, Tom
- Thornsbury, Jim
- Thépot, François
- Timmas, Osvald
- Tkaczyk, Roman
- Tolgesy, Victor
- Tomczak, Kim
- Tomczak, Lisa Steele +
- Toupin, Fernand
- Tousignant, Claude
- Towell, Larry
- Town, Harold
- Toyokuni I,
- Trasov, Vincent
- Travers, Cyril
- Tremblay, Gerard
- Trottier, Gerald
- Troy, Cecil
- Truchnovsky, Rose
- Trudeau, Angus
- Trudeau, Powell
- Truitt, Ann
- Tsui, Howie
- Tukalak, Lukassie
- Tuki, Sima
- Tuluga, Junasi
- Tulving, Ruth
- Turner, Stanley
- Umholtz, David
- Unknown (American),
- Unknown (British),
- Unknown (Canadian),
- Unknown (Chinese),
- Unknown (Dutch),
- Unknown (English or French),
- Unknown (English or Irish),
- Unknown (English),
- Unknown (German),
- Unknown (Indian),
- Unknown (Inuit),
- Unknown (Inuit; Baffinland),
- Unknown (Inuit; George River),
- Unknown (Inuit; Puvirnituq),
- Unknown (Inuit; Sanikiluaq),
- Unknown (Italian),
- Unknown (Japanese),
- Unknown (Ontario),
- Unknown (after Velasquez),
- Unknown,
- Urban, Colette
- Urban, David
- Urquhart, Tony
- Ursuliak, Howard
- Usaitaijuk, Lucassie
- Uthco, T.R.,
- Wainwright, Ruth
- Walden, RA
- Waldron, Kim
- Walker, Douglas
- Walker, Horatio
- Wallace, Ian
- Wallis, Chris
- Walsh, Edward
- Warhol, Andy
- Warrener, Lowrie
- Watson, Homer
- Watson, Mary
- Webber, Gordon
- Weddige, Emil
- Wedgwood,
- Weir, Elena
- Weisman, Gustav
- Wells, C.
- Werden, Rodney
- Wesner, Joseph
- Wesselmann, Tom
- Whale, Robert
- Whipple, Seth Arca
- White, Daisy
- White, G. Harlow
- White, Jennie
- White, Mary
- Whitefield, Edwin
- Whiten, Tim
- Whittome, Irene
- Wieland, Joyce
- Wiitasalo, Shirley
- Will, John
- Willet, Jennifer
- Williamson, Curtis
- Willis, Major John
- Wilson, R. York
- Wilson, Scottie
- Winter, William
- Wise, Jack
- Wong, Paul
- Wood, Alan
- Wood, W.J.
- Woolford, John
- Wrenshall, Charles
- Wright, Graham
- Wrinch, Mary
- Wyczolkowksi, Lynn
- Wyczolkowski, Leszek
- Wyle, Florence